Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Little Piece of Heaven, or a Curse in Disguise?

Ok, here it is. I have actually been given this a lot of thought over the last few weekends (and unfortunately drawing blanks most of the time).

My top five favorite drunk foods to finish of the typical night of madness and mayhem:

1. Taco Bell

2. Gyro Dudes (especially those on 56th and 6th or 33rd and 7th (Meza remembers their names, i think it's Magdi (He hates Marbury-definitely a plus)))

3. Malecon (Throwback, haven't been there in like 2 years)

4. White Castle

5. Beef Patty with Cheese

Honorable Mention: Appetizer Sampler (aka Greasy Diner Snacks), Buffalo Slice from iLove's

Definitely the light at the end of the tunnel, or a drunken meal after a wild night of craziness. The after effects? Knocking out on the train and ending up at random stations (Coney Island... Babylon). Hence the curse.

Any suggestions for tonight?

Revised 3/12/2009


Inquisitive Brooklynite said...

you sure #3 was Maricon (spanish for queer guy)? could it be Malecon?

Joshie Bugg said...

oh, my bad